Enrolled Agent EA Salary Guide

enrolled agent salary

Considering becoming an Enrolled Agent, but curious about the salary prospects? Take a look at our Enrolled Agent Salary Guide to get an idea about industry salary range. The test is offered from May 1 to the end of Feb. of the following year.

However, you can schedule an appointment for a different exam part without waiting 24 hours. Scheduling is now available for an exam appointment for the May 1, 2024–Feb. The actual seat time is 4 hours to allow for a tutorial, survey, and one scheduled 15-minute break. In general, CPAs earn more than EAs in all enrolled agent salary career levels; however, the CPA credential requires significantly more schooling, time and up-front costs than the EA credential. Additionally, the EA credential is more client-focused, with a variety of career paths. Be sure to consider additional factors alongside salary when planning your professional path.

How do I schedule an appointment to take the examination? (updated March 1,

Scaled scores are determined by calculating the number of questions answered correctly and converting it to a scale that ranges from 40 to 130. Failing candidates are provided a scaled score value so that they may see how close they are to being successful. Candidates that receive a scaled score of 104 are very close to passing. Candidates with a scaled score of 45 are far from being successful. You will also receive diagnostic information to assist you with future examination preparation.

According to ZipRecruiter.com, the average annual salary for an Enrolled Agent as of December 2021 was $59,020. The scoring methodology was determined by the IRS following a scoring study. A panel of subject matter experts composed of Enrolled Agents and IRS representatives established a passing score for a candidate who meets the minimum qualifications to be an Enrolled Agent. An enrolled agent is a person who has earned the privilege of representing taxpayers before the Internal Revenue Service. The Enrolled Agent (EA) credential is a nationally recognized certification offered by the IRS for tax professionals.

Enrolled Agent Salary

If you pass, the score report will show a passing designation. All score values above passing indicate that a candidate is qualified — not how qualified. You will also receive diagnostic information which may indicate areas of weakness in your performance where you may need continuing education.

enrolled agent salary

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